Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My Eventual Triumph Over Diaper Debacles!

Many of you knew this day was coming, the day when my son would poop, and I would have it all covered. Let me tell you, it was a long time coming.

Most of my success I owe to the fact that Henry has just started solids. The introduction of rice cereal has given Henry more to digest then he has ever had to in his life; this is probably the reason why, after 2 days, he had not pooped.

At the start of day three, I was prepared. Something was coming, and that something had to be BIG!! My sences were honed. I was on the look out, listen out, and smell out. All morning long I proceeded with caution, and then it HAPPENED! I was sitting in the rocker playing with Henry, when I heard a big squirt. Thinking quickly, I held him away from my body and up in the air. Past experience has taught me that placing him on the changing table after such a large bowel movement would sentence me to outfit changing duty. Instead, I unsnapped him, and removed his dirty diaper with one hand, while cradling him in the other. After setting the diaper on the changing table, I ran to the bathroom to wash off the poopy in the shower. Look at that clean butt! Another outfit saved my mom!

In the Jumperoo, On the Boat, and Just Sittin'