Hmmm....Something smelled funny.
Scott giggled and said, "Oh MAMA". The security guard lady asked me if someome was misbehaving.
After we got thru security, I made a beeline for the bathroom so I could clean-up my Henry. Luckily, I had disposible washcloths with me. Unluckily, there was only one soap dispensor in the whole bathroom, and it was located on the opposite end of the bathroom from the koala care diaper changing station. Also, I was a little premature in all my congradulations to myself on perfect packing. I had a pair of pants for my little man, but no shirt! Ay dios mio!
Scott and I ran all over the san juan airport looking for a vendor with a shirt or a onesie that would fit Henry. Eventually, Henry got hungry and Scott had to go it alone. While I sat and nursed, I could hear the flight attendants call for pre-boarding. Then for regular boarding. Then last call for boarding. Finally Scott found his way back to the terminal just in time! And what did he have?
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